Here’s the recap of all the high-flying action you may have missed from this week’s episode of 205 Live. Watch the Cruiserweights every Tuesday night at 8 PM ET on the WWE Network.
Earlier on Tuesday, Lince Dorado made amends with Kalisto and Gran Metalik for letting Ariya Daivari come between them.
We then are given a flashback of the Clash of Champions match for the Cruiserweight Championship between Drew Gulak, Dorado and Humberto Carrillo. Gulak pinned Dorado to retain.
They fought the law, and the law won.@DrewGulak is STILL your #Cruiserweight Champion! #AndStill #205Live #WWEClash
— WWE (@WWE) September 15, 2019
Lince Dorado vs. Ariya Davari
Davari tweeted that Dorado would’ve beaten Gulak if he had left Lucha House Party and joined him. Dorado wants to pay Daivari back for the seeds of doubt he planted. He starts off on the offensive by slapping Daivari and then jumping on him from the top of the ring. Dorado does a hurricanrana off of the barricade. Daivari turns the tables and sends Dorado to the floor. This gives Daivari control of the match.
Control of the match then seesaws between the competitors.
BEAUTIFUL cross-body from @LuchadorLD but it's not enough to take down @AriyaDaivariWWE on #205Live!
— WWE (@WWE) September 18, 2019
Both men counter each other and kick out of pins. The two battle on the top for a minute or so before Dorado pushes Davairi to mat so that he can hit him with a 450 Splash. Dorado pins Daivari for the victory.
A message from Lorcan
Two weeks ago, Tony Nese went on a rampage backstage and attacked Lorcan.
Tonight, Lorcan says Nese hurt him, but not as bad as he will hurt him tonight. He declares that he will go for Gulak and his championship next.
Jack Gallagher vs. The Brian Kendrick (w/ Akira Tozawa)
Brian Kendrick has been wanting Jack Gallagher one-on-one for weeks. Last week, Kendrick and Akira Tozawa faced Gallagher and KUSHIDA. Kendrick has held a grudge against The Gentleman for nearly a year.
Kendrick goes on the offense first before Gallagher turns the tables. Kendrick mistakenly kicks Gallagher into Tozawa. Gallagher is mad that Tozawa is ringside. While they’re arguing, Kendrick strikes his opponent with a kendo stick. The match immediately ends with Gallagher winning via DQ. Kendrick continues to beat Gallagher with the Kendo stick before Tozawa stops him. As he’s checking on Gallagher, Kendrick snaps and hits Tozawa.
— Akira Tozawa (@TozawaAkira) September 18, 2019
Carrillo Speaks
Sarah Schreiber talks to Humberto Carrillo about his loss on Sunday. He’s very disappointed and he would like a match with Gulak one-on-one. He will find another way to get a title shot.
Oney Lorcan vs. Tony Nese
*Lorcan gear watch: red trunks and blue boots*
As he walks down the ramp, Nese says that Lorcan wants to send him on another vacation.
Lorcan and Nese take shots at each other on the mat. Dio Maddin says that Lorcan isn’t a bear you want to poke. Lorcan gets the Premier Athlete outside the ring, but they each take turns throwing each other into barricades and ring posts. Nese is the one that sends Lorcan through the announce table. Lorcan gets back into the ring at nine.
.@_StarDESTROYER is doing what @_StarDESTROYER does on #205Live!
— WWE (@WWE) September 18, 2019
Nese continues to dominate the match. Lorcan becomes vicious and repetitively goes after Nese until Nese has to get out of the ring for a breather. Lorcan sends him into the barricades. He then sends Nese into the crowd. He continues beating Nese around the ring. He nearly pins him after hitting Nese with a clothesline. It looks like it will go either way as these Cruiserweights counter each other repeatedly.
With Nese on the outside, Lorcan starts to run the ropes when his ankle is grabbed by Gulak. While he’s distracted, Nese rolls him up for the win.
Who will stop “The Law” and take his Cruiserweight Championship? Are Kendrick and Tozawa done? Find out as 205 Live continues next week.