205 Live recap for October 11, 2019: The Most Exciting Hour on Television returns

Akira Tozawa and The Brian Kendrick faced off on the October 11, 2019 edition of WWE 205 Live. Photo: WWE.com
Akira Tozawa and The Brian Kendrick faced off on the October 11, 2019 edition of WWE 205 Live. Photo: WWE.com

Here’s the recap of all the high-flying action you may have missed from this week’s episode of 205 Live. Watch the Cruiserweights every Friday night at 10 PM ET on the WWE Network.

Tonight’s episode of 205 Live is the first one after Friday Night SmackDown moved to FOX.

It’s been a couple of weeks since The Most Exciting Hour on Television was on and it looked like it was on the verge of cancelation last week. Since the last show, the Cruiserweight title got a new name: the NXT Cruiserweight Championship. On Wednesday, Drew Gulak put the title on the line against Lio Rush on NXT on the USA Network. The pair put on a really great match, with Rush besting Gulak to become the new champion.

205 Live was not immune to commentary changes. With Dio Maddin and Vic Joseph moving to Monday Night Raw, Aiden English was joined by Tom Phillips on commentary.

Drew Gulak & Tony Nese vs. Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch


Danny Burch made his debut on the purple brand back on September 24th. Burch and Oney Lorcan were victorious over Drew Gulak and Tony Nese.

Earlier in the day, Lorcan and Gulak had some pretty funny exchanges on Twitter.

With kicks and leg sweeps, “The Law” and “the Premiere Athlete” controlled the early stages of the match, though both teams are evenly matched. Lorcan ran post-to-post with his opponents in the corner. He DDT’d Gulak before dropping Nese onto him. Each team came close to pinfalls several times.

Once again, Burch gets the pin.

Package Time

We get three video packages in a row.

A package of Isaiah “Swerve” Scott is shown, hinting that he has joined the purple brand from the yellow and black one.

Following his title loss on NXT, Gulak was interviewed to get his reaction. Change is still constant and he’s still “The Law.”

Rush has a photo shoot with NXT Cruiserweight title and tweets that Gulak can have a rematch.

Ariya Daivari vs. Chris Bey

Ariya Daivari cuts promo on Vegas and its crowd.

Daivari faced local wrestler, Chris Bey. Since September, Bey has wrestled for Ring of Honor and IMPACT as well. Daivari manhandles Bey for a good portion of the match, even taking time to lay across the top turnbuckle.

Bey gets in a little bit offense, but Daivari quickly took back control. He hit Bey with a hammerlock lariat and pinned him.

Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!

On SmackDown, Lucha House Party was drafted to the blue brand.


Akira Tozawa vs. The Brian Kendrick

Three weeks ago, The Brian Kendrick turned on Akira Tozawa because no one in the division respected him. This week, the two faced off in a no-disqualification, no count-out match.

Tozawa finally has an opportunity to confront his former friend in the ring. Kendrick quickly put Tozawa on his back, but he maneuvered Kendrick out the ring. While on the outside, he retrieved a Kendo stick. Tozawa evened things up, getting a Kendo stick of his own. He stepped on Kendrick’s stick and beat him several times before switching to his fists.

With Kendrick on the outside, Tozawa ran towards the ropes. But before he can go through them, he’s met with a chair to the head. The fans chanted “we want tables.” Kendrick was in control, throwing him into the steel steps before tossing him into the ring. Kendrick utilized the Kendo stick again before getting duct tape and taping Tozawa’s wrists to the top rope. Once again, he turned to his Kendo stick. Kendrick got several more chairs as the crowd chanted again that they prefer tables.

Kendrick set up four chairs before choking Tozawa with a Kendo stick. Kendrick ripped the tape from the top rope. He set Tozawa up for Sliced Bread No. 2, but Tozawa reversed it and sent him through the chairs. Tozawa got his own chairs, tossing them into a pile in the middle of the ring. Tozawa attempted a suplex and they keep turning each other around before Tozawa planted Kendrick onto the chairs, taking some damage of his own as well.

The crowd finally got their table and erupts. As Tozawa is dragging it out, Kendrick threw a chair at his face and went for the Kendo stick again. Tozawa set up the table and punched Kendrick onto it. Tozawa jumped from the apron and put Kendrick through the table. The fans chanted “one more time.”

Tozawa brought Kendrick to the ring and stacked chairs on his chest before going to the top rope. As he’s about to jump off the top turnbuckle, Mike Kanellis pushed him down and beats him up. He laid out Tozawa and dragged Kendrick to put his arm across Towaza. Kendrick then gets the “pin”.  He stood Kendrick up and shook his hand before raising it. Kendrick grinned like there’s some kind of alliance between the pair.

What will 205 Live look like next week? Gulak, Tozawa, Humberto Carrillo and Drake Maverick are all eligible to be drafted to Friday Night SmackDown and Monday Night Raw. What is the relationship between Kendrick and Kanellis? Who will be the No. 1 contender for Lio Rush’s NXT Cruiserweight Championship?