
The best Winnie the Pooh memes

Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (1968) / Disney
Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (1968) / Disney

From Tuxedo Winnie to foul-mouthed Pooh, here are some of the FanSided staffā€™s favorite Winnie the Pooh memes.

Winnie the Pooh is a pop culture icon and like all true pop culture icons in the year of our lord 2019, he is also a meme.Ā The most famous of the Pooh memes is Tuxedo Winnie the Pooh, in which two words, items, ideas, etc. are juxtaposed, much like the Drake ā€œHotline Blingā€ meme.

Of course, with a filmography as extensive as Winnieā€™s, thereā€™s plenty of material for memes and given such material, weirdos online will always provide. This is just a surface level survey of Winnie memes, we encourage you to explore further on your own ā€” might we recommend Memodroid and theĀ Unofficial Winnie the Pooh Memes Facebook page.

The below memes come from all corners of the internet, submitted by the extended staff, and thus, we will be the first to admit, are of unclear origin. If you are the creator of one of these memes, please hit us up, weā€™d be happy to provide attribution.

Oh ā€” and fair warning, some of the language in these Winnie memes gets a little strong.

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Not a meme but still something sweet submitted by one of our coworkers

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