You should always be aware of your surroundings when you talk trash about someone. Just ask this Miami Heat fan when he trashed Duncan Robinson and didn’t know he was right behind him.
As sports fans, we have our favorite players and out not-so-favorite players. We don’t ever feel like we’ll see them in person, so we usually let out all of our grievances when it comes to our dissatisfaction with players.
For the NBA, it can get really ugly, and some fans don’t hold back. In person or online, some NBA players are the most heavily heckled athletes in the sport world. It’s concerning, but it definitely doesn’t seem like it’ll stop any time soon.
Fortunately, clips exist like this one featuring a Miami Heat fan clowning Duncan Robinson’s five-year, $90 million contract … and Robinson getting the chance to troll him for it.
We had Davis ask Summer League fans about Duncan's new contract while Duncan hid behind them and the results were glorious.
— The Long Shot (@TheLongShotPod) August 17, 2021
Full vid is up on YouTube:
The Long Shot interviewed a Heat fan about Duncan Robinson’s new contract … and Robinson was right behind him
Fans are all bark and no bite most of the time. But this Heat fan seemed like he had to get something off his chest about Duncan Robinson with The Long Shot Podcast. He had a lot to say, unloading the clip on how he felt. Little did he know Duncan Robinson heard every bit of what he had to say.
“Buy a playoff jumper,” the fan said.
Per usual, the energy always changes when the person is right in front of you, but it does make for a pretty funny clip. Maybe Robinson can use those words to fuel the fire to boost playoff 3-point percentage (already an impressive 39.3 percent for his postseason career) closer to his regular-season levels (42.3 percent).