What made baseball fun this week: Domingo German is perfect, Anthony Volpe is chicken parm

Domingo German, New York Yankees. (Photo by Thearon W. Henderson/Getty Images)
Domingo German, New York Yankees. (Photo by Thearon W. Henderson/Getty Images) /
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Nico Hoerner, Chicago Cubs, Brendan Donovan, St. Louis Cardinals
Nico Hoerner, Chicago Cubs, Brendan Donovan, St. Louis Cardinals. (Photo by Justin Setterfield/Getty Images) /

MLB is about two New York Yankees achieving perfection of late, one on the mound and the other at … the plate. That is part of what made baseball fun this week, among other things.

Making sense of all the nonsense baseball gave us this week through pop culture references!

I have tried to avoid writing things about the New York Yankees, mostly because everyone else hates them, but sometimes, the haters can’t hate. Life is about raising your standards in an attempt to achieve perfection. Nobody’s perfect, but Domingo German was on Wednesday night. I didn’t see it happen in real-time, so maybe y’all are lying to me. I don’t have a great answer to that.

What I really cared about prior to German things was this rookie Anthony Volpe guy housing chicken parm like he’s Peyton Manning in a Nationwide commercial, or Brady Quinn merely having dinner in South Florida. Surely, there are downsides to being a meathead, but are there any to being a Chicken Man? Wade Boggs got into the Hall of Fame because of chicken, and Miller Lites!

He too played for the Yankees and had the epic mustache to prove it. Instead of looking like Paul Blart Mall Cops on the reg, this is the biggest moment the Yankees have had since Barack Obama was in office, 100 percent. I don’t know what Aaron Boone is these days, and neither do you, but his team is having a moment. Just don’t party too hard and have to sleep under your desk afterward.

Across the river, the New York Mets are not exactly amazing, while their NL East rival Atlanta Braves are too Hard to Handle now. While the Mets could use some Remedy, as they are mad Jealous Again, only A Conspiracy is going to stop Atlanta from winning a sixth-consecutive division title. When Throw It Again comes back to bite you Twice as Hard, you don’t talk to angels.

Hey, little thing, let me light a candle ’cause these segments are hard to handle now, mess around!

Just when I thought Buhler couldn’t possibly be any dumber, he went and did something like this … and totally redeemed himself … with these segments!

But what about the fans??? Baseball, you sound like you’re from London

I’m going to be real with y’all. Not until I saw this tweet did I know what two teams were playing over in London. Usually when the Chicago Cubs play the St. Louis Cardinals, I am reminded of all the shenanigans I adjacently endured when I lived in Wrigleyville off Sheffield from 2018 to 2021. But for now, these always-bitter NL Central rivals sound like they’re from London. Cheerio, mate!

London was calling ahead of this clash of midwestern titans. Like I said before, this division rivalry had a major, major influence on me, like Aldous Snow did on that guy who later stroked the furry walls and got him to The Greek! There are a lot of things you can do, and shouldn’t do, When the World Slips You a Jeffrey. No one’s afraid of a Jeffrey, except for maybe dogs on Guy Fawkes Day…

I don’t know if they played the 1812 Overture or signaled V for victory afterward, but let’s just say the Man from Room 5 had a good time. We never saw his face, just like I never saw this game because instead of giving this “CD” a listen, I just carried on living my life. As you sulk back to the Kapua Suite to weep like an elderly woman, Inside of You, you must find the strength to carry on.

Good for the Londoners of the world to come to the ballpark for some Bangers, Beans and Mash.

So this is a thing now?! | The Dude of the Week, man