
Sandra Marchetti

Sandra Marchetti is the author of Aisle 228 (forthcoming 2023), Confluence (2015) and four chapbooks of poetry and essays. Her baseball poetry appears in Southwest Review, Hobart, Poet Lore, Blackbird, FanGraphs, and elsewhere. Essays on sports can be found in Pleiades, Baseball Prospectus, Mid-American Review, Barrelhouse, Fansided, and other venues. Sandy is the former Poetry Editor at River Styx Magazine and is the Coordinator of Tutoring Services at College of DuPage.

Photo by Nuccio DiNuzzo/Getty Images

Systems Thinking With Flowers: A mystical collection of baseball poetry

Sandra Marchetti

Joe Nicholson-USA TODAY Sports

Readings from the gospels of Ichiro Suzuki

Sandra Marchetti