Ippei Mizuhara's gambling was so horrid even his bookie tried to warn Shohei Ohtani

Ippei Mizuhara's gambling was so bad to the point where his bookie tried to warn Shohei Ohtani.
2024 Seoul Series - Los Angeles Dodgers v San Diego Padres
2024 Seoul Series - Los Angeles Dodgers v San Diego Padres / Masterpress/GettyImages

One of baseball's best bromances came crashing down when Shohei Ohtani's representatives accused longtime friend and interpreter Ippei Mizuhara of a 'massive theft.' Mizuhara had reportedly stolen roughly $4.5 million from Ohtani to cover his gambling debts.

It turns out that the number was far greater than reported, and some of the facts that were revealed on Thursday are just wild to think about.

Another detail that came about on Thursday noted that Mizuhara might've found himself in trouble with the law sooner thanks to his bookie.

Even Ippei Mizuhara's bookie tried to warn Shohei Ohtani about Mizuhara's betting

Mizuhara's bookie had been trying to get in touch with the gambler but was unsuccessful. It had gotten so bad to the point where one time, when the bookie saw Ohtani, he had said he was going to go up and ask how to get in touch. Ohtani, of course, had no idea about any of this going on and the bookie had no idea that Mizuhara had been stealing from the Los Angeles Dodgers superstar.

Had the bookie gone up to Ohtani, this would've been over with right then and there. Both individuals would've been incredibly confused, but eventually, they'd come to the realization that Mizuhara was stealing from Shohei.

It's pretty crazy that Mizuhara had accrued so much debt to the point where the bookie nearly had to use Shohei to track him down. When looking at how much debt Mizuhara had piled up, it's possible that the bookie was seeking millions at the time, which, again, is crazy to think about.

Mizuhara wound up getting in touch with him in time to continue this charade for roughly four more months before everything unraveled. As Mizuhara put it so eloquently, it's all over for him.
