Patrick Mahomes take on Carson Wentz makes it clear he's far from a threat

Mahomes compliments Wentz on his offseason thus far, but there's a possibility (however scarce) that this could disrupt the Chief's QB room.
Carson Wentz, Patrick Mahomes, Washington Commanders v Kansas City Chiefs
Carson Wentz, Patrick Mahomes, Washington Commanders v Kansas City Chiefs / David Eulitt/GettyImages

On April 2, 2024, the Kansas City Chiefs signed quarterback Carson Wentz off the street and the entirety of the NFL universe shook in fear. Was this the final Infinity Stone for Andy Reid’s gauntlet? Are the Chiefs going to win a third-straight Super Bowl now that they FINALLY have a quarterback? Are we all doomed?

Or is this just a nothing-burger of a signing? Patrick Mahomes was asked about working with Wentz this offseason and thoroughly patted him on the head, nuking even the most naive person’s thought that Wentz could become David to Mahomes’ Goliath during training camp.

Patrick Mahomes ‘Atta boy’ to Carson Wentz demonstrates how alpha QB1 is in Kansas City

No one in their right mind would’ve thought that Mahomes could be supplanted by the once-MVP front-runner, now career journeyman, Carson Wentz. Even on his best days, Wentz is a top-50 quarterback in the NFL. 

It takes some real stones from a player to hype up his replacement because, ultimately, that person is competing for your job. So when Mahomes goes out and says (via, “It’s been great honestly… (Carson Wentz is) a great dude and super talented, I think that’s the first thing I saw. I mean you see why he was on pace to win the MVP, the guy can make every throw," you know that Mahomes has next-level moxie, on and off the field. 

“He’s very smart, intelligent, asks a lot of great questions," Mahomes said, "And he’s been in similar offenses before so it’s easy for him to pick it up I think,"

Getting that kind of praise from the best quarterback in the world, and possibly history, is a huge compliment and one that probably shouldn’t be taken lightly. Hopefully, Wentz doesn’t take it lightly, for the sake of competitiveness in the NFL.

There are a lot of us who don’t want the Kansas City Chiefs to three-peat. We just finished a dynasty with the New England Patriots and we’re not ready for there to be another one. 

To those people, keep one thing in mind: Carson Wentz has reportedly been a poison in the locker room in the past. If there is one person who can take down the Chiefs, it could be Wentz and he could do it from the inside. 

Maybe he lets Mahomes’ compliments go to his head and maybe he tries to overthrow his quarterback. Maybe instead of looking for ways to beat the Chiefs, teams start looking for ways to build up the confidence of Wentz and let him work his magic.

The Chiefs’ first three games are against the Baltimore Ravens, the Cincinnati Bengals, and the Atlanta Falcons. We can try to convince those teams to lose those games by an astounding amount, forcing the Chiefs to have to play Wentz. Then maybe Wentz will get a big head and make his move for the throne. It’s as good of an idea as any.

Help us, Carson Wentz. You might be our only hope.
