Raiders gave Antonio Pierce the gift of an extra day as head coach: Best memes and tweets

Pierce survived Black Monday in Vegas ... for exactly 24 hours.
Los Angeles Chargers v Las Vegas Raiders
Los Angeles Chargers v Las Vegas Raiders | Candice Ward/GettyImages

Heading into Black Monday, it seemed like Antonio Pierce was as good as gone as head coach of the Las Vegas Raiders. Hiring Pierce in the first place was a questionable decision given his total lack of head coaching experience, so when the Raiders went 4-13 this season — with Pierce looking totally overwhelmed by the responsibilities that come with the top job — it felt like the solution was obvious: Admit your mistake and cut bait as soon as possible.

Of course, this is the Raiders we're talking about; "obvious" is not a word in the vocabulary. And sure enough, come Monday, Pierce was allowed to take to the podium for his year-end press conference, sounding a whole lot like a guy who'd be getting a second year at the helm.

The coaching carousel cranked up, with no indication that Mark Davis had any interesting in making a move. But apparently 24 hours made all the difference, because while Pierce had done enough to remain the head coach on Monday, by Tuesday afternoon Davis had decided to fire him after all.

The franchise has given us some awfully stiff competition over the years, but this might be the single most Raiders thing to have ever Raidered. Davis had all season to evaluate Pierce in his first year on the job and decide whether he was the right guy to lead the team or not. And at the end of all that, it seemed like he'd settled on "yes"; after all, what could waiting a day possibly do?

Raiders fire head coach Antonio Pierce in the most Raiders way imaginable

Maybe he was just busy on Monday. Maybe he heard some of the stuff Pierce had to say at his press conference and thought better of it at the last minute. Whatever the case, it sure doesn't bode well for Vegas moving forward — and the internet had a field day.