Atlanta Falcons Locker Room Flooded With Sewage (Photo)


After last night’s beatdown at the hands of the Carolina Panthers, the Atlanta Falcons came back to a locker room flooded with sewage, courtesy of a pipe leak inside the Georgia Dome.

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For 12 lucky NFL teams, this past weekend was really great. It assures them that additional football will be played. That means a shot at the game’s most revered prize, the Super Bowl trophy. But for the Atlanta Falcons, it was a pretty crappy stretch, in more ways than one. The team lost its chance to win the NFC South at the hands of the Carolina Panthers, and today head coach Mike Smith was fired. Even still, the bad news does not end there.

After the team’s lopsided 34-3 loss at the hands of the visiting Panthers, they went back into the locker room to discover that a sewage pipe had busted open and flooded the area. Below is a photo posted on Twitter, courtesy of Atlanta Journal Constitution’s own Jeff Schultz.

Honesty, there is not a better metaphor for how this weekend has been for quarterback Matt Ryan and company. Think about it for a second. They went into this game, not only with their offense firing on all cylinders, but with a chance to clinch the NFC South, host a playoff game, and potentially save their head coach’s job. As as result of their poor showing on Sunday night, none of that will come to fruition. And to top it all off, the Georgia Dome is now a glorified sewage plant. Hopefully things will turn around for the Falcons in 2015, because right now, they are about as low as it can get.

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