Winnipeg whiteout bride-to-be shares her thoughts on awesome proposal, Jets Game 5


The Winnipeg Jets official Winnipeg whiteout street party gave fans an extra reason to cheer last night after the first official #WPGwhiteout engagement! Here’s how it all went down.

The Winnipeg Jets lost a close Game 4 to the Nashville Predators last night by a score of 2-1. It was their first home loss in months. It wasn’t all bad for newly engaged Jets diehards Jon Skrypnyk and Jennifer Meixner, though, who had themselves a pretty eventful evening at the game.

During the Jets official Winnipeg whiteout street party, Jennifer was asked to go on stage to answer a “skill testing question.” Little did she know, Jon had an elaborate (and adorable) proposal planned out instead!

We caught up with the newly engaged bride to be (and official Winnipeg Jets Hockey Mom Analyst) today to find out more about the proposal, their fandom and what is next for them and for the Jets:

Bruin (FanSided): First and foremost, congratulations! Let’s start off with an easy one. You were called on stage to answer a skill testing question, right? Did you have any idea it was going to be something a little more?

Jennifer: Jon called me from work in the morning to say we were in a contest for a signed jersey and a stick and we would need to answer some Jets questions…. I was nervous all day that I wouldn’t know the answer! I had no idea it was anything else!

Bruin (FanSided): That’s a perfect cover! I love it! How long have you two been Jets fans?

Jennifer: Jon has been a fan since Jets 1.0. Paul Maurice talked about “casual fans” in a recent interview, and that’s how I would describe myself prior to this year; I attended a few games here and there and knew a few of the “big names.” Some of our first dates were watching Jets games! This year I joke that I am the “Winnipeg Jets Hockey Mom Analyst.” I’m on maternity leave with our seven-month-old son so I have been watching pregame, postgame, practice interviews, studying stats and even taking our kids (4 years and 7 months) to Jets practices. We also have season tickets this year. Jon has been on the wait list since their return, so this has been a big Jets year for us.

The funny thing is that I wrote a “hockey mom” blog the day before yesterday and it had almost 500 reads so I was joking that I am famous…. little did I know the real fame was coming the next day!!

Bruin (FanSided): Oh wow, that is so cool! A couple things here. So my parents live out in Portage La Prairie, and your path to being a Jets fan sounds exactly like my mom’s! Started out a casual fan, now she’s 100 percent all-in.

Jennifer: That’s so awesome — this hockey mom culture is a real thing!

Bruin (FanSided): So really, this was the perfect proposal for a couple of Jets diehards. How did the other fans at the Whiteout party react to the proposal?

Jennifer: It was absolutely perfect and so unexpected. Not much gets by me so I’m completely shocked and incredibly happy! The fans started cheering and I couldn’t figure out why and then Ace [Burpee] said, “Your kids want to ask you something.” Very confused, I turned around and there was a picture of them holding up a sign and Jon got down on his knee; it’s all a blur after that. I do remember there was a “she said yes” chant going on, too!

Bruin (FanSided): That is so awesome. A really nice touch by Jon having the picture of the kids with the sign. Loved that! I’m also not surprised you got some crowd chants given that the crowds there have been so incredible!

In reading through your hockey mom blog post, I saw that you guys have Jets-inspired playlists for car rides? What are two or three go-to Jets songs that get the kids fired up for the game?

Jennifer: The local radio station had a Jets anthem contest so Jon actually saved several of the entry songs so we really like those because they talk about the players. Also the Jets Party Rock Anthem song is a favorite, although it’s from the last time we were in the playoffs. We built a hockey rink in our yard and my four-year-old insists that Jon play “entrance music” for him from his truck while he walks from the house to the rink with his skates on then he warms up like the Jets.

Bruin (FanSided): (Laughs) Oh my god, that is so good! He’s ready to go pro!

Jennifer: He thinks so…. although he may be more of a Dennis Beyak. Either way, we are just hoping he’s not a goalie! Helly’s [Connor Hellebuyck] phenomenal season is not helping us steer him away though, haha!

Bruin (FanSided): The goalie life is a tough one! Hard not to fall in love with Helly, though. What a season he’s having! Okay, a two-part question for the official Winnipeg Jets Hockey Mom Analyst — Who wins Game 5? And what are your thoughts on Patrik Laine’s beard?

Jennifer: The Jets need to win Game 5. It will be a close one, but Laine scored last night so the floodgates are open now! With No. 85 back in and No. 15 out, I think we have a real good chance! Laine’s beard is awesome! It’s his trademark and I love it. I also love that he handles all the pokes and jabs about it with such confidence. That kid is amazing!

Bruin (FanSided): Can’t argue that! I’m glad he’s on the board now. If he can get rolling, Nashville is in trouble! Okay, last question: If the Jets win the Stanley Cup, will there be a whiteout wedding at the Stanley Cup parade?

Jennifer: We might as well, seeing how all our friends and family will be there!!

We went on to talk about our mutual dislike for P.K. Subban, but we’ll save that for another day because today is all about celebration! Congratulations, Jon and Jennifer! Here’s to hoping the Winnipeg Jets can bring you a second ring (and perhaps a nice big Stanley Cup centerpiece for the
head table).

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A big thank you to Jennifer and Jon for the great interview. As I said, I owe you each a beer at the whiteout party if Winnipeg makes the Stanley Cup Final.

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