205 Live recap for January 24, 2020: The OGs have a plan

Photo by Marc Pfitzenreuter/Getty Images
Photo by Marc Pfitzenreuter/Getty Images

Here’s the recap of all the high-flying action you may have missed from this week’s episode of 205 Live. Watch the cruiserweights every Friday night at 10 PM.

Aiden English is back on commentary this week and Jon Quasto has returned for his second consecutive show.

Ariya Daivari vs. Tyler Breeze

In a rematch from last week, Daivari wanted to end Breeze’s win streak. Breeze got Daivari out of the ring and by the commentary table before scratching him down the back. Daivari made him pay when they got back in the ring. Breeze is on the apron when Daivari drop kicked him through the second and third rope. He got Breeze back in the ring to deliver a guillotine on the second rope.

While holding Prince Pretty in a headlock, Daivari yells, “who’s the man?” Breeze answered by kicking his opponent to the outside. “The Persian Lion” continuously beats Breeze down. The pair collide in the middle after each hitting a crossbody. Breeze used this as his chance to regain command of the match. Breeze nearly got the pin with Supermodel Kick, the move he used to beat Daivari last week.

Breeze hit The Unprettier for the third time, but Daivari got his foot on the rope. The duo reverse out of near falls. Ultimately, Breeze continues his winning streak with a roll up.

Backstage, The Brian Kendrick tells Daivari he looks like he could use a friend.

The Brian Kendrick vs. Danny Burch

Earlier this week on NXT UK, Kendrick faced Travis Banks for a spot in the Fatal Four Way at Worlds Collide, but fell short.

Burch started off with an aggressive offense with strikes and uppercuts. Kendrick got in a bit of offense, but it was all Danny Burch early on.

“The Guv’nah” takes Kendrick to the outside and uses the steel steps to his advantage. Kendrick did a Russian leg sweep against the steps and Burch nearly got counted out on the outside. When he got back in the ring, Kendrick put him in the Captain’s Hook.

Burch nailed a dropkick from the top rope, but it wasn’t enough. Burch follows with a German Suplex and a headbutt, but Kendrick was right under the rope. Kendrick poked Burch in the eye when the ref wasn’t looking.

Daivari distracted Burch. Kendrick rolled him up and Daivari pulled Kendrick’s hand to help him pin Burch, unbeknownst to the ref. In Burch’s last match, Kendrick created a ruse to distract him long enough for Daivari to get the win.

Lio Rush vs. Tony Nese

This match started off with some mouth running and flexing. Nese and Rush ran the ropes and took each other down. Nese swept the leg and pummeled Rush with punches. Neither could keep control very long until Rush nailed Nese with a tope suicida. Rush tried to bring him in the ring, but they battled on the outside. Nese hit Rush hard with a spinning heel kick and continued to taunt Rush.


Every time the “Man of the Hour” got in some offense, Nese stopped it. “The Premier Athlete” kept the very fast Rush grounded as long as he could. Rush hit Nese with a Stunner and nearly got the pin. Rush went for the “Final Hour”, but Nese rolled across the ring. The duo continue to frustrate the other by not being able to put the other one away.


Nese told Rush, “you’re nothing” and Rush hit him in the face. Rush knocks him off the top rope and Nese returns the favor before he can set up his finisher. Nese went up top again and Rush joined him. They both crashed to the floor. At a six count, Nese tossed Rush over the table and ran back into the ring. Nese wins via count-out.

Rush tells Nese from behind the table that “this isn’t over.”

When will Rush and Burch get their respective payback? Will Angel Garza retain the NXT Cruiserweight Title at Worlds Collide or will one of the other three competitors give him a short title reign? Let us know in the comments.